Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Innovation Powered by Technology Conference

Looking around the Donovan Center last Saturday at the RI Dept of Ed sponsored conference and saw so many familiar faces but only had a chance to talk to a few.  There were so many ideas about the future of learning and technology in our schools to digest and discuss, but so little time.  We've launched this blog in part to foster a continuing discussion on:  blended learning, access to online resources, digital learning environments, and teaching in on online environment.
I hope there are others out there who would like to share their ideas, hopes, and fears about digital learning and all that we heard at the conference.
Give it a try.......john bilotta

1 comment:

  1. APP...Adult Paradigm Paralysis

    An interesting take on one of the obstacles that must be over come if we are to make structural changes in "school".
